Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

Advantages of Publishing Paper in IJCSMC

Summary of IJCSMC

IJCSMC was established in 2012 and it was assigned ISSN 2320-088X by NISCAIR The National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, New Delhi, India. Currently it is an ISI Indexed Journal with an Impact Factor of 7.056. In 2019, IJCSMC associated with Digital Object Identifier providing giant CrossRef and IJCSMC was assigned a DOI Prefix of 10.47760/ijcsmc

Not only this, IJCSMC is CrossRef Partner and we are assigning Digital Object Identifiers to published papers.

If your paper gets acceptance from our review team, then a nominal one-time fee is charged Which includes Hosting Charges for Hosting your Paper Forever on our Website, Reviewers’ Salaries, Editing and Publishing Work and DOI Assigning Charges from CrossRef.

Paper will be published within 5 days and DOI will be activated immediately which you can search in CrossRef Database and

Why does IJCSMC defrays publication fees from authors?

All original research papers published by International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC) are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication. We guarantee that no university library or individual reader will ever have to buy a subscription or pay any pay-per-view fees to access articles in the electronic version of any journal. There is hence no revenue at IJCSMC from the sale of subscriptions to the electronic version or from pay-per-view fees. Yet, the online publication process does involve costs including those pertaining to setup and maintenance of the publication infrastructure, routine operation of the journal, processing of manuscripts through peer-reviews, editing, publishing, maintaining the scholarly record, Annual/Monthly DOI charges from CrossRef and archiving. To cover these costs, IJCSMC defrays publication fees (also called Article Process Charges, henceforth APC) from authors. APC are due when a manuscript has been accepted for publication.


Advantages of publishing in IJCSMC

  • IJCSMC published more than 7000 quality papers so far, Contents.
  • Rated 4.8 out of 5 by Trustpilot.
  • Publication process is fast and easy, Check About Us.
  • All Authors will be given individual E-certificates without extra fee, Check Instructions For Authors.
  • All papers published in IJCSMC will be assigned Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) from CrossRef.
  • Indexed in more than 150 directories.
  • Higher Impact Factor.
  • Publication fee is $60 which is very less when compare to other journals charging more than $250.
  • CrossRef further indexes your published paper in many other directories.

Best Computer Science Journal

There are so many publishers around the globe publishing research papers in huge numbers, but very few among them are indexed in reputed directories such as ISI, Genamics, Academia, ResearchBiB etc. and also with a high Impact Factor.

One such journal is International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC). IJCSMC is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, monthly, and fully refereed international journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in computer science and relevant fields. It is an international scientific journal that established in the year 2012 with the aim to contribute to the constant scientific research and training, so as to promote research in the field of computer science.

As of now, IJCSMC is a member of CrossRef Society ( and all papers published by IJCSMC are assigned DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) and can be accessed from 

The Journal covers all areas of Computer Science and Information Technology.

The journal invites authors to submit original and unpublished work and original works are invited in the form of paper i.e manuscript. Manuscripts should follow the style of the journal and are subject to both review and editing.

IJCSMC is indexed in more than 150 reputed directories and have published more than 7000 papers till date. IJCSMC is followed by more than 34K academicians on and currently the most followed publisher on that platform.

IJCSMC has the rating of 4.8 stars on Consumer Review Website Giant Trust Pilot which is considered an excellent feedback for a company.

So, if you are looking for publishing a paper in any reputed and genuine publishing house IJCSMC is the best we can suggest.


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