International Conference on Mobility in Computing- ICMiC13, December 2013
General Information for Conference Organisers
International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC) Welcomes all the conference convener & organising committee to publish their respective conference proceeding in IJCSMC and to associate IJCSMC as International Publishing Partner.
We will publish conference proceeding with following norms:
1. All conference accepted papers must be original.
2. If conference proceeding is awarded by ISBN then review process will not be repeated, else all conference accepted papers will be reviewed by IJCSMC board of Reviewers again.
3. Conference proceeding should not be shared with any type of other publication.
4. Articles must me submitted in proper format as provided in Instructions for Authors
5. Conference Proceeding will be published in special issue, in accordance with the conference Convener.
6. Convener can use Journal Paper Template in conference after mutual agreement with IJCSMC Editor-in-chief.
7. Conference convener must submit the Form below to, after which details of the conference will be displayed in web.
8. We at IJCSMC accept and publish the proceedings of National Level, International Level conferences with ISSN Number 2320-088X.
Conference Proceeding Form
Contact us or submit a paper through below form:
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