Title: Database Design for Customer Retention and Loyalty Administration Information System Authors: Nia Rahma Kurnianda Country: Indonesia View/Download-PDF |
Title: An Enhanced AAM Approach for Face Recognition Application Authors: Israa Mohammed Rahi, Rasha Awad Hussain, Karrar Abdalluh Mohammed, Ahmed Hamid Mohsin, Firas Muneam Bachay Country: Iraq View/Download-PDF |
Title: A SURVEY ON ADVANCED DRIVING ASSISTANCE SYSTEMS FOR SAFER TRANSPORTATION Authors: Mr. Ningappa, Dr. Vijaya Kumar C N Country: India View/Download-PDF |
Title: Image Steganography using K-LSB Embedding with Edge Detection and Chaotic Map Authors: Karrar Abdalluh Mohammed Country: Iraq View/Download-PDF |
Title: A Proposal of Decentralised and Distributed Blockchain Secured Educational Network for Higher Education Authors: G.Sri Pradha, J.Vanathi, S.Jaya Prasanna Country: India View/Download-PDF |
Title: Merge Sort Using Sequential and Parallel Programming Authors: Agnes S. Suguitan, Lucille N. Dacaymat Country: Philippines View/Download-PDF |
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