Title: Human Emotions Detection Using Hybrid CNN Approach Authors: Nehmat Sandhu; Aksh Malhotra; Mandeep Kaur Bedi Country: India View/Download-PDF DOI: 10.47760/IJCSMC.2020.v09i10.001 |
Title: Epileptic Seizure Diagnosis Using EEG Signals Authors: Shahad Saad Alwain; Naji Mutar Sahib Country: Iraq View/Download-PDF DOI: 10.47760/IJCSMC.2020.v09i10.002 |
Title: Survey on Predictive Analysis of Diabetes Disease Using Machine Learning Algorithms Authors: A.Jamuna; Dr. R. Jemima Priyadarsini; Dr. S.Titus Country: India View/Download-PDF DOI: 10.47760/IJCSMC.2020.v09i10.003 |
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Title: Attack and Anomaly Detection in IoT Networks using Machine Learning Authors: Dr. R. Thamaraiselvi; S. Anitha Selva Mary Country: India View/Download-PDF DOI: 10.47760/ijcsmc.2020.v09i10.012 |
Title: A Systematic Review on Open Networking Challenges in IoT Domain Authors: Isha Padhy Country: India View/Download-PDF DOI: 10.47760/ijcsmc.2020.v09i10.013 |
Title: Computer Scientists: Why Numerical Instead of Analytical Mathematics Authors: Herbert Wanga; Stephano Sanga; Shangweli Kituma; Thobius Joseph; Rose Mzilangwe Country: Tanzania View/Download-PDF DOI: 10.47760/ijcsmc.2020.v09i10.014 |
Title: A Brief Study of Routing Protocols for Finding Efficient Path in MANETS Authors: Ajay Kumar; Anmol Swaroop Country: India View/Download-PDF DOI: 10.47760/ijcsmc.2020.v09i10.015 |
Title: Overview of Cloud Computing in the Process Control Industry Authors: Rishabh Rajesh Shanbhag; Ugandhar Dasi; Nikhil Singla; Rajkumar Balasubramanian; Siddhant Benadikar Country: USA View/Download-PDF DOI: 10.47760/ijcsmc.2020.v09i10.016 |
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