NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN MODERN COMPUTING AND APPLICATION TRENDS- TECHMAN-14, 5th & 6th December, 2014 organized by Acharya Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
TECHMAN-14 Conference Proceeding: Advances in Modern Computing and Application Trends
Editors: Dr. A. R. Deepti, Debabrata Samanta
ISBN: 978-93-84648-45-9
TECHMAN-14 Conference Proceeding Contents
Title: Best Routing Strategy for DTN using Wireless Technology Authors: Dr. B.G.Prasanthi, Sangeetha.G, Dr. Manjunatha.L.Rao Country: India View/Download-PDF |
Title: Policy Reasoner: An Approach for Security to RDF Authors: C.Viswasanathan, Dr. Deepti A.R Country: India View/Download-PDF |
Title: Improving Energy Efficiency in Manet by Using Genetic Algorithm Authors: Mr.Rahul S. Kale, Prof.Ms.V.M.Deshmukh, Ku.Nikita D. Kale Country: India View/Download-PDF |
Title: An Efficient Approach for Safety Critical Message Transmission in VANETs Authors: Kavya Ramakrishna Country: India View/Download-PDF |
Title: Online Static Security Assessment Module Using Artificial Neural Network on IEEE-30 Bus Test System Authors: Lekshmi.M, Dr. M.S.Nagarajname Country: India View/Download-PDF |
Title: Message Secured Module using Image Cryptography Authors: Manoj Mukherjee, Sawata Adya, Mrinal Sarkar Country: India View/Download-PDF |
Title: Wireless Communication in Car Authors: Ayesha Banu S, Ashwin Kumar Country: India View/Download-PDF |
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